Live & Unlearn

Live & Unlearn

Hosted by: Katy Caroan

How curious are you about yourself as a leader? What does it take to unlearn behaviors that are not serving you anymore? Join me to explore how you can build your unlearning capabilities to stay in demand as a leader!


#10 - The Rebound

Season #1

In this podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan explores what we can do when failing to assume new, desired habits. She challenges the listeners to reflect on the essential questions when making bold decisions. For over a...
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#9 - The F-Word

Season #1

In this podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan dives into the traps and pitfalls when being subject to flattery. She challenges the listeners to reflect on the essential questions when making bold decisions. For over a...
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#8 - The Failure

Season #1

In this podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan shares one of her expensive, painful, and valuable failures early in her career as a solopreneur. She challenges the listeners to reflect on the essential questions when...
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#7 - The Stand

Season #1

In this podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan shares how she helps leaders unlearn the urge to respond with a "yes" as default and learn how to say no without feeling uncomfortable. She challenges the listeners to...
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#6 - The Rookie

Season #1

In this podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan shares how she navigated the rookie period when leaving corporate to build her own business. She challenges the listeners to reflect on the essential questions when making...
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#5 - The Cliff

Season #1

In this podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan shares what finally made her jump off the cliff in her career. She challenges the listeners to reflect on the essential questions when making bold decisions. For over a...
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#4 - The Leap

Season #1

In this podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan shares what happened when she decided to make a leap triggered by a curveball moment in her career. She challenges the listeners to reflect on the essential questions when...
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#3 - The Curveball

Season #1

In the third podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan shares the curveball incident that made her question everything about her career through unlearning. She shares her own experiences and strategies for addressing...
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#1 - The Trigger

Season #1

In this premier podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan shares what triggered her interest in unlearning. She shares her own experiences and methods in addressing everyday challenges.  For over a decade, Katy Caroan has...
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#2 - The Method

Season #1

In the second podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan shares the method used when addressing the surprising label her mentor gave. She shares her own experiences and strategies for addressing everyday challenges.  For over...
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