Live & Unlearn

Live & Unlearn

Hosted by: Katy Caroan

How curious are you about yourself as a leader? What does it take to unlearn behaviors that are not serving you anymore? Join me to explore how you can build your unlearning capabilities to stay in demand as a leader!


#20 - The Countdown

Season #2

In this podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan shares the top five topics where her coachees struggle to unlearn behaviours they want to reduce or eliminate from their leadership style. For over a decade, Katy Caroan has...
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#19 - The Silence

Season #2

In this podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan shares what it takes to become a great listener and contribute to meaningful conversations. Katy challenges the listeners to reflect on the essential questions when making...
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#18 - The Mirror

Season #2

In this podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan shares how unlearning helps digest feedback and the analysis of one's professional reputation. Katy challenges the listeners to reflect on the essential questions when making...
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#17 - The Comparison

Season #2

In this podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan shares how to use unlearning as a tool to reduce the risk of staying too long in the comparison trap. Katy challenges the listeners to reflect on the essential questions when...
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#16 - The Derailment

Season #2

In this podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan sharesĀ how she uses unlearning as the method for handling envy, Her story might strike a chord or two with you. Katy challenges the listeners to reflect on the essential...
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#15 - The Key

Season #2

In this podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan one of the most frequent challenges her clients face when looking for a job or starting their own business: The instinct to not niche themselves. Her recommendations might be...
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#14 - The Bold

Season #2

In this podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan challenges you to become bolder when assessing the future alternatives for your career. Where do you find the real risks? Katy challenges the listeners to reflect on the...
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#13 - The Flight

Season #2

In this podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan shares one of her moments of fight or flight early on as an entrepreneur. Her story might strike a chord with you. Katy challenges the listeners to reflect on the essential...
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#12 - The Transition

Season #2

In this podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan shares her own story and unlearning when transitioning into a higher level of contribution to psychological safety in teams. Her story might strike a chord with you. Katy...
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#11 - The Mentor: Per Frykman

Season #2

In this podcast episode, coach Katy Caroan interviews one of her most significant mentors, Per Frykman. They are exploring how he helped her unlearn instrumental behaviors. Per also shares what he is currently...
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